Photo Credit: Matt McLaughlin
Join Us for this Classic Fundraiser & Networking Event!
The EDPA Northeast Chapter’s annual charity golf tournament will this year benefit nonprofit 9/11-founded organization, HEART 9/11.
We are proud to say that 93% of the monies we raise through donations go directly to our programs. HEART 9/11 is an organization that was born from the attacks in 2001. Dedicated volunteers of first responders and NYC trades workers came together after that attack not only to provide aid to the victims but to help folks affected by the effects of the disaster. We all have a commitment to ‘pay forward’ the compassion and help we received from around the world.”
— HEART 9/11 Vice President, John Moran
Event Details
“The Classic” uses a scramble format. A shotgun start will begin promptly at 9am. Registration, putting green and driving range will open at 7:30am. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Raffles and prize awards will conclude the day’s event.
Chance to win $25,000 CASH PRIZE for getting a hole-in-one at Hole #16! (With 3 BONUS PRIZES for the remaining Par 3 holes)
Players can register in teams of two or individually and will be placed with other golfers to complete a foursome.
Golfer Registration: $200 (includes practice range, putting green, breakfast, 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch & 1 drink ticket)
Attendee / Non-Golfer: $50 (includes lunch & 1 drink ticket)
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please read through. Sponsorship opportunities from past years have been updated and new ones have been added. Note that any sponsorships purchased after 8/25/23 may not be included in all signage/recognition opportunities.
Eagle - $1,500
Foursome (4 spots in tournament)
Hole Sponsorship Sign
Logo on Main Event Banner
Event Publicity Recognition (logo/name included on website, in all social media posts for event, all eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Birdie - $1,250
Twosome (2 spots in tournament)
Hole Sponsorship Sign
Logo on Main Event Banner
Event Publicity Recognition (logo/name included on website, in all social media posts for event, all eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Par - $1,000
Single Player (1 spot in tournament)
Hole Sponsorship Sign
Logo on Main Event Banner
Event Publicity Recognition (logo/name included on website, in all social media posts for event, all eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Single Hole - $250
Hole Sponsorship Sign
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website, in 2 social media posts for event, 2 eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Raffle Basket - $100
Tabletop Sign with Raffle Basket Item (gift items included, to be purchased by EDPA)
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website & verbal mention at event)
Hole Game Sponsor - $900
Costs for Game Items of Play not Included; Must be Purchased/Provided by Sponsor
Sponsor Must Provide 1-2 Volunteers to Run Game
Single Player (1 spot in tournament)
Hole Sponsorship Sign
Logo on Main Event Banner
10x10 EDPA Northeast Branded Popup Tent Provided (can also provide your own tent)
Table and Chairs
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website, in 2 social media posts for event, 2 eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Beverage Sponsor - $1,550 - SOLD
Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunity
Single Player (1 spot in tournament)
Banner at Pavilion Bar Where Drinks are Served (Hole #6)
Tabletop Sign at Clubhouse Bar
Event Publicity Recognition (logo/name included on website, in all social media posts for event, all eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Hole-In-One Insurance Sponsor - $925 - SOLD
Exclusive sponsorship opportunity
Hole Sponsorship & Game Designation Signs on All Par 3s (Hole #3, #6, #13 & #16 – Main Hole)
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website, in 2 social media posts for event, 2 eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Cart Sponsor - $400 - SOLD
Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunity
Logo Printed on Scorecards
Logo Printed on Golf Cart Signage Area
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website, in 2 social media posts for event, 2 eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)
Breakfast & Lunch Sponsor - $500 - SOLD
Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunity
Logo Printed on Tabletop/Sticker Signs placed at Clubhouse Tables & Bar
Event Publicity Recognition (logo included on website, in 2 social media posts for event, 2 eblasts for event & verbal mention at event)