SmartSource, a 2024 Sponsor of the EDPA Northeast Chapter

SmartSource is a Proud Supporter of the EDPA NE Chapter

Did you know?

For 40 years SmartSource® has been a leading provider of AV, IT, and event technology products and services with broad and innovative offerings.  The company has grown both organically and through acquisitions and now employs almost 300 people throughout North America. 

 With locations nationwide and in Canada, SmartSource offers clients instant access to a multi-million-dollar inventory, quick-response delivery, and immediate onsite technical support. Each location is staffed by technology experts to create a seamless and consistent experience across the country.  SmartSource team members become an extension of their clients’ teams, ensuring clients can focus on their goals instead of the details. Seasoned solutions architects, project managers, and certified technicians truly love what they do and provide the highest level of customer service to exceed expectations for each and every event. 

For more information about Smartsource, visit or contact Brett Hyams, at or (732) 598-5939.