About Access, 2023 Sponsor

Access is a Proud Supporter of the EDPA Northeast Chapter

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Access builds exhibits, executes events, and manages logistics with consistent precision and exceptional service.

We build brand engagement and bring new ideas to life in face-to-face markets. With nearly four decades of experience designing, building, managing, and executing mission-critical events for our clients all over the globe, our world-class team of passionate professionals knows how to control the chaos.

Whatever it takes – We've got this.

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EDPA NorthEast Raises $18,000 for Event Industry Family in Need

EDPA NorthEast Raises $18,000 for Event Industry Family in Need

EDPA’s NorthEast chapter brought together professionals in the event industry for a charitable cause at their third annual Rally at the Alley fundraising event. This year, over 80 individuals attended, rallying behind Shari McDowell and her family to generate $18,000. All proceeds generated through the generous donations from event industry professionals and organizations will be provided to the McDowell family to help them purchase a handicap accessible vehicle after a series of tragic events left Shari’s husband Tom partially paralyzed.   

Friends in Need

Friends in Need

Over the past few months we've seen tragic events unfold throughout the world, from natural disasters to the horrible acts against humanity. These events affect millions of people including some of our industry peers. EDPA Northeast will be contributing to our colleagues and would like to share the stories of a few members of our industry that have been directly effected. Please take the time to read about our peers, contribute to their support, and spread the word to help their cause. Thank You.